Our Story
PT. Bumi Raya Gayoindo

Get to know
PT Bumi Raya Gayoindo was established in 2022 with the aim of processing and exporting agricultural products from Indonesia, especially Arabica coffee from the Gayo highlands and Sumatra. We will build a solid reputation as one of the most reliable of the Gayo and Sumatran highlands. Our export coffee products bring the best quality to people in this world. But also wants to make sure the lives of coffee farmers will be improved. And we control our coffee purchases very carefully, prioritizing the best quality of goods and monitoring the processing. We are determined for sustainable agriculture in the Gayo Highlands and Sumatra and for the welfare of coffee farmers.
Our company specializes in coffee from the Gayo highlands and our Sumatra on a regular basis to open opportunities in the international market and export to the largest consumer markets such as North America, Europe, Japan and Australia and many others we will deliver anywhere in the world and we often do.
Address :
Head Office : Jl. Banten No.85 B, Puji Mulyo, Kec. Sunggal, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara 20351
Phone : +62 823 0435 9996
Email : info@ptbumirayagayoindo.com
Gudang 1 :
Jl. Banten No.85 B, Puji Mulyo, Kec. Sunggal, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara 20351.
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Gudang 2 :
Jln. Bandara Rembele Gudang No. 99 Kec. Wih Pesam, Kab. Benermeriah, Provinsi NAD, Indonesia.
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